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An Effect of Stress

These days, stress is so common it’s often seen as “normal.” Since it’s unlikely that we can eliminate stress in our lives, improving our ability to withstand and accommodate it is important for our health.

There’s good stress and bad stress.

Positive Stress Negative Stress
A workout at the gym Lack of adequate sleep
One-day water fast Daily diet of fast food
Learning the piano Paying the bills
International travel Airline seats
Trying new foods Food poisoning
A glass of wine Three glasses of wine

Generally, stress falls into three categories:

Woman emotionally stressed

Emotional stress is one of the most common, yet overlooked types of negative stress.

Physical Stress – Repetitive motions (painting the ceiling), postural distortions (falling asleep with your neck twisted) and whiplash injuries from a car accident are physical stresses. So are slips and falls.

Emotional Stress – Ever face an impossible deadline at work? Or grieved the loss of a loved one? Notice the posture of someone who is depressed. Anger, or a sense of hopelessness, are common forms of emotional stress that wind up the nervous system, exacerbate pain and how we respond to it.

Chemical Stress – Today’s environment constantly assaults us with chemicals. Poor diet, preservatives, tobacco, alcohol, pollen, pet dander, detergents, fabric softeners and a host of other substances that can affect our nervous system and muscle tone.

Stress produces a reaction in your body. Besides increased levels of stress hormones, the fight or flight response may produce spinal joint dysfunction. Think of it as your body’s circuit breaker.

When you’re ready to take action, ring us at Chiro Centre to arrange your first visit: (02) 9955 5400.